My Entrepreneurship Journey: How I Became A Full Time Entrepreneur


I have two "quit my job" stories.

The first one is from 2019: I was working at a large corporation as a social media manager for a fishing brand. The company was going down and I was not passionate about the work whatsoever. I felt like I had outgrown the job and was extremely unhappy, even though on paper it was perfect. After months of praying about it, writing my resignation letter weeks in advance, and creating a high-level plan of what I would do next, I finally gathered the courage to quit.

Kind of.

I put my resignation letter in, and since I didn't have a job lined up, told my team that I was planning to pursue entrepreneurial projects until I find where I want to be in my career next. They asked me to stay while I looked for another job (the team was small and they needed the help - plus I'm bomb at what I do, just saying).

I definitely overstayed my welcome during the three months that I was there while looking for another job. And it started to get kind of weird there lol. Once I was in between two job offers, I quit that job again so I could have some time off between roles. The next stop in my career was at Sister Circle Live. And that was truly a dream job.

Every day I eagerly woke up at 4am to get to work by 6:30am, excited about who would be on the show that day. I worked with a brilliant team and grew so much personally and professionally while I was there. I have a lot to say about being the social media producer at Sister Circle, but I'll save that for another blog post.

Back to my entrepreneurship journey.

I lost my job when the pandemic hit.

And landed a social media client the very next week. #FAVOR

I was pushed into entrepreneurship again!

And quickly realized that I didn't know what I was doing from a business owner standpoint. Plus I wasn't making enough money to live off of.

A freelance opportunity at an influencer marketing agency fell into my lap. I initially was there to help fill a gap while my friend was on maternity leave. I accepted a part-time offer after freelancing for 6 months, so I could have one foot in entrepreneurship and one foot in a good job with benefits. I learned so much there and absolutely loved the team. It was an overall really great move for my career, but after my 29th birthday in April, I started to get a strong feeling that I wasn't supposed to be there anymore.

I struggled to balance that and my business until I finally had to make a choice...

Do I really want to be the entrepreneur I said I aspired to be a few years ago, or will I continue hiding behind a good job with benefits?

So I quit again.

This was even harder than the first time because I had a personal relationship with my boss. And there were parts of the job that I genuinely liked. But it didn't fit me anymore. I felt like I was going against my calling.

I get that being an entrepreneur is trendy now, but it has been on my heart since I started my old blog Becoming Brilliance in 2015. I knew it was possible then, but I wasn't ready.

And in June 2021, I was finally READY to take that leap for real, for real!

I'm using this pandemic as testing grounds to build a business with a solid foundation. Everything is completely different in life, and it's my opportunity to strike out on my own and do what I love.

To be honest, I'm still figuring out what all I want my business to be. I know for certain that content marketing is what will continue to pay the bills, so I'ma stick beside that while I pivot my affirmation business.

It's been a beautiful learning experience, and I am blessed to have the right people and resources to show me the way. I have to give a shout-out to my client Jini, she is absolutely amazing and has helped me get my business (and personal life) together. She is the founder and CEO of Envision Business Management Group, where she leads a team that offers financial services to celebrities, such as accounting and tour logistics. We met at Sister Circle and I've been managing her social media and working with her to build a financial literacy brand called Thank Me Later, which helps Black women manage their money and prepare for life events. I've learned so much over the last year and a half while working with Jini. She is the ultimate girl boss and I'm so grateful that she is so willing to help me on my entrepreneurship journey!

Ladies, join the FREE Thank Me Later community here. #shamelessplug

I'm figuring out how to be my own boss, taking it day-by-day and trying as best as possible to remain self-motivated. It's a process, but I'm enjoying the journey and that's the best space I can be in right now.

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