November Affirmations: Gratitude Is The Move

Hey friends!

As we approach the end of 2021, I am reminded of how much I've grown this year. There were a lot of internal battles that I had to push through (and that I'm still pushing through if I'm being honest), but I am so grateful for the journey!

I centered this month's affirmations around gratitude because it's a natural topic to reflect on this time of year. And while I encourage you to be grateful for those around you and all that you have, I challenge you to show appreciation to yourself by looking inward.

Your presence is a gift and you add value to those around you. Even if you fell short in reaching your goals this year as I did, you are worthy of celebrating.

Meditate on these affirmations to help hype yourself up! You deserve it, friend!

  1. I am thankful that my presence has a purpose.

  2. I am gifting myself with gratitude and grace.

  3. I find joy in my journey — every season has a divine reason.

  4. I find peace within myself.

  5. I am grateful for my special sauce — no one was created like me.

To take it a step further, I encourage you to think about THREE traits that you love or are grateful to have. So often we hone in on what we don’t like, it’s time to brag about what we LOVE!

I’ll start…

  1. I love how empathetic I am. I get along with pretty much everyone because I know how to put myself in other people’s shoes to make a genuine connection.

  2. I love that I enjoy my alone time. I am not afraid to do things by myself and I genuinely enjoy my own company.

  3. I love that I am honest. I try to be mindful of my tone, but I’m grateful that I unapologetically keep it real with my loved ones and myself!

OK, now it’s your turn! Share what traits you are grateful to have in the comments below!