September Affirmations: Shed What No Longer Serves You

We’re halfway through the month and I’m just now sharing September’s affirmations. 

Mid-month is better than not at all, right?. 😂😂😂

This month’s affirmations are centered around shedding. As we enter a new season, it’s an opportunity to shed the layer of who we’ve been to make way for our transformation. 

There’s still a few months left of 2021, so we can make strides towards who we want to become during the final stretch of this year. 

What do you need to shed this September? 

Meditate on these affirmations to let go of lies, negative beliefs, self-sabotaging behaviors, societal pressures! If it does not bring you peace, it can’t be in your presence!!

  1. I am shedding what no longer serves me 

  2. I am uncovering the lies I’ve told myself 

  3. I swerve self-sabotaging

  4. I make space to feel my feelings 

  5. I let go of what’s not for me with ease

  6. I trust the timing of my transformation 

Sending you love and light for your next season!